Tragic events in Nepal
We were deeply upset and concerned when we heard of the earthquake which has devastated the Kathmandu Valley and beyond.
We have been thankful that our friends and their families are safe so far, although their home from which they run their business has been damaged and they are unable to safely return to it until extensively repaired.
There are so many things which the Nepalese people now need. In the short term water, food and shelter - and in the longer term, support to rebuild their homes and business so that they won't have to rely on aid.
We know that our Nepalese friends will endeavour to recover from this tragedy as soon as they can, and our aim here at the Anglesey Paper Company is to continue to promote and sell there lokta products so that our continued trade will have a direct benefit as we restock and re-order.
If you feel you would like to make a donation to support the recovery efforts in Nepal, then we would encourage you to donate via this recognized Aid Agency: DEC Nepal Earthquake Appeal